Twin Peaks Cupcakes

I don’t know about you but sometimes I need a quick little chocolate fix.  Even better if it is hidden inside a cupcake!  Combining one of my favorite candy bars in a cupcake just makes me smile.  Today I was pooped so I just used a golden cake box mix for the cake portion.  Fill lined cupcakes about 2/3 full.  Break Toblerone into two peak segments (hence the name).  Insert into cupcake batter.  Bake as directed.  For the frosting I used my butter cream recipe and added two processed bars of Toblerone:  Three sticks of butter softened, four cups of powdered sugar, 1/3 cup of milk, 1 tablespoon of Vanilla,  two bars of Toblerone ground in a food processor.  Whip ingredients together and frost cupcakes after they have cooled.  Makes for a nice treat!

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